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Merit Academy is accepting Intent to Enroll forms for families interested in enrolling their students in PK-12th grade for the 2025-26 school year.


There is incredible interest in Merit Academy. Because of the high demand, it is important that families choice-in to Merit Academy because they embrace the classical, knowledge rich, intensive curriculum upon which Merit Academy is founded, not because they wish to choice-out of their current school.


Merit Academy students and families shall understand and commit to the vision, mission, expectations, rules, and processes that so many of our community members desire.


To enroll, families must first complete an Intent to Enroll form. Students who have a seat offered will be informed by email. At that point, families will have three days to confirm or deny this offer and may then proceed with the registration process for the 2025-26 school year. There will be a records request prior to finalizing registration.

Merit Academy's expectations and guidelines can be found in the family handbook, student expectations, and uniform policy linked on the Families page.


There are statutory grounds for denial of admission to a student who otherwise complies with policies and procedures.

With this in mind, completing the Intent to Enroll Form or being offered a seat does not guarantee admission.

Please select that you understand each of the following:
Please select one or more boxes if they apply to your student(s):
We are interested in enrolling in:
In which district did your child(ren) attend school during the 24/25 school year?

** If your student is offered a seat and requires specialized services, please include the IEP, ALP, 504, ELP, or READ plan with your registration packet. Per UP BOCES allocation formula and seat availability, the student support team from Merit Academy and UP BOCES will meet with you to review your child's plan and discuss available programming, resources, and services to determine the school, district, or UP BOCES placement for your child's free appropriate public education.  Completing the Intent to Enroll or being offered a seat from the Intent to Enroll data does not guarantee FAPE, nor is considered a registration**


I understand that by signing this Letter of Intent to Enroll does not obligate my student to attend, nor does it guarantee admission. If the school is oversubscribed for any grade, service, or program, the school will hold a lottery to determine enrollment and provide a waitlist for remaining students. I understand that I will be notified about the school’s development and future enrollment procedures, as well as any key dates as they become available. Merit Academy does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services in its enrollment policies and procedures.

Thank you for submitting your Intent to Enroll form for Merit Academy, a classical, knowledge-rich school. Please watch for emails regarding news, lottery, and registration.

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500 E. Kelley's Rd.,

Woodland Park, CO


(719) 686-2274 Office

(719) 686-2190 Attendance

(719) 686-2082 Nurse

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We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN for donation records: 85-2365942

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