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Merit Academy makes no distinction on account of disability, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, or ancestry. Furthermore, we invite all interested families to review the Merit Academy Family Handbook and review the information on our website, including the School of Grammar page or the Upper School page. Should the parents decide they value the school's philosophy and educational offering, they will then complete the Intent to Enroll form.


Attendance by a parent or guardian at a public-information night is recommended, and results in priority status for lottery enrollment. This recommendation ensures all parents/guardians understand Merit's philosophy and educational approach prior to enrollment.


Please review the Pre-K page for preschool information, the School of Grammar page for information on grades K-5th, or the Upper School page for grades 6th through high school.



Vacancies exist whenever the number of students enrolled in class is below that class’ capacity. As vacancies occur, those vacancies are filled using a lottery system. Students are eligible to fill a vacancy after parents acknowledge an understanding of and agreement to the expectations of curriculum, required levels of performance, code of conduct, uniform requirements, rules, and other expectations. Additionally, a review of the student’s academic data will allow administration to provide a grade-level recommendation for student placement.


The following categories of applicants are exempt from the lottery-enrollment procedure in the following
order of precedence:

  • Currently enrolled students

  • Total of the following two groups not to exceed 20% of total enrollment:

    • Children of Founders as defined in the charter contract with Woodland Park School District

    • Children of full-time staff

The lottery-enrollment procedure is then implemented to fill remaining vacancies in the following order of precedence:

  • Siblings of currently enrolled students; Homeschoolers currently enrolled in Merit Academy's Homeschool or Falcon Aerolab enrichment program.

  • Students on the lottery list residing within the Woodland Park School District whose parent or guardian has attended a public information night.

  • Students on the lottery list residing within the Woodland Park School District whose parent or guardian has not attended a public information night.

  • Students on the lottery list residing outside the Woodland Park School District whose parent or guardian has attended a public information night.

  • Students on the lottery list residing outside the Woodland Park School District whose parent or guardian has not attended a public information night.

  • All other students on the lottery list

Enrollment requires full completion of the registration process. A seat offer is not a final confirmation of enrollment.


Merit Academy is a WPSD choice-in charter school and part of the UP BOCES special education services network for services provided and determination of Free Appropriate Public Education within the network of programs.


By clicking on the Intent to Enroll box below, I attest that I have read the Merit Academy Family Handbook, have reviewed the website, and find value in Merit Academy's philosophy and educational offering for my child/ren. I understand the enrollment process and lottery as described herein. I understand that my child/ren's name(s) will be placed in a lottery pool for Merit Academy, and that I will be contacted if an opening is available, and that a seat offering is not guaranteed registration. Enrollment priority is given to students residing in the Woodland Park School District. It is my responsibility to contact the school with any phone or address changes.

Intent to Enroll Submissions are paused until after the lottery on March 2. Please return March 3 to complete the Intent to Enroll form for your student.


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Literacy Transparency Logo

500 E. Kelley's Rd.,

Woodland Park, CO


(719) 686-2274 Office

(719) 686-2190 Attendance

(719) 686-2082 Nurse

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We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN for donation records: 85-2365942

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