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Merit Academy is an educational option for parents, community members and educators in the Ute Pass area. It is a 501c3, public, tuition-free school designed, inspired, and governed by local Merit Academy parents, community members, experts, and educators. Through many conversations and exploration, it is apparent that families need and desire a comprehensive and challenging classical alternative to current educational experience in local schools.

Merit Academy honors this choice for parents and provides a deep, ambitious education with focus on excellence of academics and conduct.

Parent Desires

Developed and governed by parents and local community members through a grassroots effort, Merit Academy is a choice-in school. This means families who choose Merit Academy are choosing the very culture, intensive education, and experiences offered within our school. They are also choosing the joyful efforts, commitment, and collaboration that make a school like this excel.


Merit Academy is a "rocky mountain', classical, knowledge-rich, hands-on education. It is deep with high expectations of excellence. Our scholars study not just the "what" of a subject, but the "how" and "why". Students examine, explore, and discuss these topics from inception through contemporary. We explore living works and emphasize the traditional, American, western civilization. This prepares them to be successful in their chosen civilian or military careers, including but certainly not limited to innovation, business ownership/self-employment, leadership, research, engineering, medical profession, or whatever their desire. The sky is the limit!


I just wanted to send a quick thank you, which doesn’t seem to say enough in itself. Children are thriving in school.  For the first time, my kids don’t ask to have a “sick day”. This is not to say it’s easy, they work at it, but when faced with a challenge their teachers guide them, they’re not left behind and forgotten as they were at the previous  schools we have tried. I personally appreciate the schools transparency with what is being taught, and the safety I feel with sending my children there. Another thing I love is their enrichment options, my son is thriving in the CAP program, and my daughter loves Choir for the first time. Thank you for providing another option to families.

Forest Snow

Parent/Student Handbook

The parent/student handbook was crafted with input from parents, community members, and educational experts. This is a living document and will be updated as needed.


There is a strong correlation between student appearance and perception of excellence.  

Additional reasons for the uniform dress code include:

  • Foster a distinct and positive Merit Academy appearance

  • Decrease distractions

  • Increase commitment to MA's core values and beliefs.

  • Discourage divisiveness or cliques and encourage core cohesion and respect

  • Increase student parity


500 E. Kelley's Rd.,

Woodland Park, CO


(719) 686-2274 Office

(719) 686-2082 Nurse


We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN for donation records: 85-2365942

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