We're the school you've been searching for!

Come Join Us! Now Accepting Intent to Enroll Forms for the Upcoming 25-26 Lottery.
Final new-parent meeting before the lottery (improve your lottery weight): Feb. 26: 6:00-7:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions
What Is A Charter School?
One question frequently posed is what IS a charter school? According to CO Charter School Act (C.R.S. 22-30.5), a charter school is, “a public school that enters into a charter contract pursuant to Part 1 of this Act”. What is Part 1? It’s a plethora of legislative declarations and oversights by which charter schools are hereby acknowledged as CO public schools. Some of these include:
“1(a) It is the obligation of all Coloradans to provide all children with schools that reflect high expectations and create conditions in all schools where these expectations can be met;
(b) Education reform is in the best interests of the state in order to strengthen the performance of elementary and secondary public school pupils, that the best education decisions are made by those who know the students best and who are responsible for implementing the decisions, and, therefore, that educators and parents have a right and a responsibility to participate in the education institutions which serve them.”
The Charter School Act lists many reasons for charter schools and education reform, which may help to understand what charter schools are. A couple from the list of many declarations include, “2(a) To improve pupil learning by creating schools with high, rigorous standards for pupil performance;” and “2(f) To provide parents and pupils with expanded choices in the types of education opportunities that are available within the public school system.”
There have been myths passed along about charter schools. Considering this community’s unified objective to provide high quality and distinctive education to all of our area youth, it’s important to address some of these false statements so we can work together towards this goal of distinction.
Is Merit Academy A Private School?
No. Merit Academy is not a private school or a religious school. We are a public charter school founded by the grassroots efforts of local families. These individuals saw a need to build a classical, knowledge-rich option for parents who desire Merit Academy's virtues, mission, vision, and education for their students.
Is there tuition to attend Merit Academy?
No. Merit Academy does not charge tuition for K-12 or homeschool programs. MA is a public school and is funded at the per pupil rate that is established by the CO legislature, annually, like other public schools. However, we pursue additional revenues from grants, donations, and purposeful school fundraisers.
Our preschool is not funded by the State, and we do charge tuition for the 3-5 year olds attending our preschool program.
Is Merit Academy funded by charis bible college or other local churches?
No. Merit Academy is a public school and is not founded, supported, funded, or affiliated with any religious entities. We grew from a great need proclaimed by many local parents. Our students come from many faiths and walks of life, and we do not inquire about their religious background or beliefs.
Are Merit Academy Educators Licensed or Experts In Their Fields?
Absolutely. Merit Academy follows a guideline often practiced by universities. We seek and hire top experts in their field to teach our scholars, without restriction of certification.
Most of our teachers are either certified teachers in CO, or are certified in other states. Furthermore, a significant number of our instructors have graduate degrees in their field. We have engineers teaching math and STEM classes, a prior chef teaching culinary arts, active contractors teaching construction or welding (and more). English and History teachers are qualified to teach at the post-secondary level within their fields, including college classes for our own scholars.
We will continue to hire staff in this capacity. We find that experts with real world experience are a tremendous asset to our scholars and other staff members. Following the university model also furthers our ability to offer college courses during high school, known as concurrent enrollment courses, free to our full-time and homeschool students.
Because of our teachers' practical application, experience, and mastery, our students are not passive learners. In fact, these pupils actively engage in discussion, exploration, and inquiry with Merit Academy's experts.
I see many classical schools require a uniform. Does Merit Academy require a uniform?
Yes. There is a strong correlation between student appearance and perception of excellence. Additional reasons for the uniform dress code include:
Foster a distinct and positive Merit Academy appearance
Decrease distractions
Increase commitment to MA's core values and beliefs.
Discourage divisiveness or cliques and encourage core cohesion and respect
Increase student parity
Does Merit Academy Offer Special Education Services?
Absolutely. Charter schools serve students on IEP’s, 504’s, READ plans, ALP’s, ELL plans and the like. The lotteries for entrance are blind, so schools are not aware of a student’s differing ability until a seat is offered and parents submit the plans. Once a plan is received by the school, a Free Appropriate Publication Education meeting is set with the special education team ( this includes UP BOCES, Merit Academy, and the parent(s)).
UP BOCES is the special education services provider for schools within Woodland Park School District (including Merit Academy), Cripple Creek/Victor School District, and Manitou Springs School District. UP BOCES provides the oversight and additional services needed, beyond the typical special education teachers hired by each school. UP BOCES provides a deeper level of services, ensures programming for greater student needs, and provides the oversight and mentoring in each school.
As with all the districts who are members with UP BOCES (Cripple Creek/Victor, Manitou Springs, WPSD and Merit Academy), if one of their student’s needs, as written in the IEP, exceeds the programming or resources available within their school, the student is served within the programs provided by UP BOCES.
For instance, if Cripple Creek/Victor has a student in need of an Affective Needs center-based program, that student is served in the program available to the UP BOCES members, which happens to be in a program in the WPSD schools. In this, the resources are combined and are provided in the most central and the largest district of the UP BOCES members: in Woodland Park.
In this, all of our students across the numerous schools (including Merit Academy) within the three districts are served and provided FAPE education. However, sometimes, it happens to not be in the original campus of residency or of registration.
Larger districts run this same way, but without a BOCES, as they are able to set up their own similar program within-district, directing students between schools to the program that provides FAPE for students per their IEP.
How big are class sizes?
We strive for smaller class sizes and a small student to adult ratio by incorporating educator support in our classrooms. This is typically 16-22 students per class in K-2; 18-24 students per class in grades 3-5; 16-24 per class in grades 6-12. The younger grades and specialized courses will fall on the smaller spectrum of class size. Professional teacher aide's further quality attention to our students.
Does Merit Academy Serve Economically Disadvantaged Students?
Yes. Despite a small group of people's outlandish remarks that classical charter schools like Merit Academy serve only "rich kids", according to state guidelines and assessment records, approximately 30% of the Merit Academy's students qualify for free and reduced lunch. Like other schools, Merit Academy participates in the state program that provides breakfast and lunch to students who wish it, without cost to the families. Merit Academy also waives fees for families who qualify, per the state guidelines.
Perhaps it is that Merit Academy sees that every student "can" and our assessment results for our entire student population are the highest in the four-district, 14 school region, even beyond. Those misinformed people may see these results as results that mirror a successful private school. In this, Merit Academy is accomplishing our goal of providing a strong foundation that nurtures our students to become successful and responsible citizens in this great Republic. Our classical education is blind to a student's economic background. We provide an intensive curriculum, as well as student supports and interventions for each student's needs.
Is There Transportation To/From School?
Our authorizing district, Woodland Park School District, has committed to education for all students by providing bus routes for all of the district schools. The routes are updated annually and are posted on our homepage.
These costs come from the district's central services, and are not charged to the schools or the per pupil revenue needed for curriculum and education. Merit Academy students are able to join routes that serve the remaining district schools, as there are seats available on current routes. Including Merit Academy on the routes provides additional revenues to the district through the family fee. District families (including Merit Academy) are charged a low annual fee to ride the bus, with a cap for multiple student use. Families who qualify for free and reduced lunch are not charged bus fees.
There are several ways to see how the district is able to provide transportation to families without charging the schools or pulling precious funding from Per Pupil Revenues (PPR) needed for education. One option is to assess the actual revenues received vs the PPR noted by CO's formula:
In FY22, WPSD had 1,738.5 October FTE (funded full time equivalent students). CO's formula determined PPR to be: $8,864.08 per FTE student: 1,738.5 x $8,864.08 = $15,410,203. However, WPSD received an additional $4,342,487 of PPR-founded revenues, used for various District Central Services, like district-wide transportation.
In FY23, WPSD had 1,977 October FTE (funded full time equivalent students), including Merit Academy's students. CO's formula determined PPR to be: $9,223.12 per FTE student: 1,977 x $9,223.12 = $18,234,108.20. However, WPSD received an additional $3,761,802.80 of PPR-founded revenues (Merit Academy receives none of the additional funds), used for various District Central Services, like district-wide transportation.
In FY24, WPSD had 1,820 October FTE (funded full time equivalent students), including Merit Academy's students. CO's formula determined PPR to be: $10,279.53 per FTE student: 1,820 x $10,279.53 = $18,708,744.60. However, WPSD received an additional $4,007,821.40 of PPR-founded revenues (Merit Academy receives none of the additional funds), used for various District Central Services, like district-wide transportation.​
This is one way, possibly the easiest way, to see how the District receives additional revenues to support all public school students with transportation without costing any schools their needed PPR funds. Parents are grateful for the District's commitment to student education and parental choice.
What is Merit's policy on screen time?
Absent the extreme case of virtual schooling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most classical education institutions rely on the written word and copies of original works in hand. Even through the closures, many schools continued teaching great works found in classical literature, science, and mathematical proofs, while connecting, presenting, and discussing through virtual means.
There is a vast amount of evidence through scientific studies regarding improved learning and neurological response by writing with pen vs. typing on a keyboard. There is also tremendous neurological research on the significance of reading paper books vs. spending time on a computer screen. However, this is not to say we will not use modern technology or don't offer computer sciences or other technology courses. Screen time is strategically used in the classroom and with purpose. Technology science courses offered are the most updated, providing a classical education for modern times.
The traditional classroom limits outside distractions to support a better focus on the lesson being taught in a disciplined environment. In this, the school has a no-cell phone policy for students.
What is the policy regarding grades and homework?
In alignment with our virtues, particularly perseverance, goodness, and responsibility, Merit Academy includes homework as part of the learning process. Not only is it sound practice to further deepen understanding of the concepts, it also informs guardians of what is being taught. Furthermore, homework and exam preparation are tools to teach students the lifeskills and habits of self-discipline, responsibility, organization, and meeting deadlines. Our staff members work with our families when there are personal challenges regarding work at home.
Reading is proven to be one of the strongest indicators of college and career success. It is important for students to experience the wonder of words, the magic of transforming to another world or story and getting lost in characters, symbolism, plot, etc. In that, students of Merit Academy, at all levels, are encouraged to read at least 20 minutes a day, outside of the school day. Reading to young students is a great way for guardians to model and engage with children.
Students are expected to learn and display the virtues of perseverance, goodness, and responsibility when it comes to school work. Students are expected to give their best effort. Grades are not the primary result, they are secondary to learning and mastery. However, people need feedback and measures to gauge where they are in the process and provide guidance on what may be done to further develop skills and thought. Included in grades are the cornerstones of perseverance and responsibility, which support timely submission of required assignments.
How involved are parents/guardians?
Family involvement is imperative to build the strongest foundation for learning, thinking, and wonder. It is strengthens an education culture. Modeling the virtues and becoming involved in the school community not only engages the child in their own learning journey, but it builds support for both family and school.
If guardians are unable to volunteer in the building, in the classrooms, through committees, or chaperone events, they can support students during reading and homework time. There will be other ample opportunities to support a scholar's education and educational organization, understanding different people have more or less time available, and these will be shared throughout the term of the school year.
Don't Choice Schools Steal Money From Districts?
(These families are also taxpayers in our community)
It is important to address the natural, albeit misinformed, concerns that independent public schools will steal money from the other public school district. This is not accurate. Traditional budgeting is based on per pupil funding, with the amount set forth by the State of CO each year. They review the local property taxes and then backfill the remainder from state funds to ensure PPR (per pupil revenue) amount covers the number of funded students in each district. Local property tax only goes so far. The more students there are in the district, including charter schools, the more backfill (equalization) comes from state funding.
In Colorado, the funding follows the student as they attend full-time or part-time to public school, whether they choice into their district neighborhood school, choice out of district, or choice into a charter school. The student is still a local student, at a public school, and the per pupil funding goes to the school of attendance.
This is important when one considers that choice-in school families are also tax payers (district owners) of our community. Remember: No public school (including charter schools) own a student, nor can they dictate to parents to which school they should send their children. This premise is cited in the Charter School Act.
In all public school settings, families choice-out of district, and one rarely hears the argument that "out of district" choice is stealing funds from in-district, especially when districts do not have other educational options like charter schools, but that is the argument to be made. In fact, WPSD has lost over 1,600 students since 2003. Additionally, not all Merit Academy's students come from WPSD, so Merit Academy is working to bring families back into WPSD.
Let's say a set of resident families suggest opening a small locally-owned Italian cafe in Woodland Park. Folks who enjoy the larger, dominant hamburger restaurant protest. They cite that the main eatery, the hamburger restaurant, is managing and serving those faithful patrons, therefore, there should be no need for the small Italian restaurant. Worse, if the small Italian restaurant opens, it will be the sole cause for the larger hamburger restaurant's decline. In a free market system, this lacks common sense.
The enrollment and movement of students for the past twenty years suggests Woodland Park needs the "Italian restaurant" to draw more patrons and improve the overall "dining opportunities" and experiences in the area. In this, Merit Academy is actually returning revenues back into the community (including local revenues) through employment, as well.
What is An Enrollment Lottery? How Does it Work?
Schools of Choice are required to hold lotteries for registration when the number of enrolling students exceeds the number of students allowed by the charter agreement between District and School. So, if the school agrees to cap at 250 students for that particular year of growth, and 270 have signed up to enroll, a lottery takes place. If those extra 20 students are dispersed among 4 grades (and the remaining grades are within limits), then those 4 grades hold a random drawing (lottery) to see which students are selected for admittance. However, those students who are returning students are automatically provided seat. The lottery is for new students on the enrollment list. Siblings of current students, Merit Homeschoolers, and students who have been on our waitlist for a school year or longer are also provided high priority for seating and, if needed, the lottery.
Once the lottery is drawn, families will be notified of their selection and will have three days to commit to enrollment before another student will be notified of the open seat. Registration paperwork will determine further steps within the enrollment process, including FAPE determination meetings with our UP BOCES and student services teams.
Classical schools similar to Merit Academy often have waitlists and lottery enrollments, particularly as the charter school grows. This is why it is important to complete the Intent to Enroll form if you type of education is a fit for your children.
What Is Your Stance on Vaccines?
We believe vaccines are a parent's choice. We will not push or try to persuade our parents to vaccinate, or to not vaccinate. That is a parental decision.
The State does require parents to complete a vaccination waiver, if they choose to not vaccinate children. We would encourage parents to complete the form, as a declaration of their parental rights to not vaccinate their children.
What Does It Mean to Have State Waivers?
Merit Academy does have state waivers, allowing us to function with a level of autonomy, while also adhering to the accountability required of public schools. As mentioned in the last column, we assess student performance and we evaluate employees, with the goal of excellence in academics and conduct.
Waivers allow charter and innovation schools to create their own calendar, to establish their own school day system (Merit Academy has more instructional hours than the other schools in the district), to select their curriculum (Merit’s is an intensive classical, knowledge-rich curriculum), to hire experts to educate students (rather than being restricted to only CO teacher certifications) to establish and adhere to their own vision, mission, and purpose statement (Merit Academy’s is listed at www.Merit.Academy), to develop their own staff evaluation system (reflecting the school’s virtues, expectations, and curriculum), to determine staff pay (within their budgetary constraints), to gather their own bids, to establish their own governance (Merit Academy has our own Board and Headmaster, parallel to WPSD’s Board of Ed and Superintendent), and more. Waivers do not allow charter or innovative schools to negate assessments, student disability plans, or fiscal responsibility.
These waivers are not unique to charter schools. They are also available to innovative schools, districts of innovation, or (with a small number of “waivers”) rural districts (like WPSD) based on new flexibility for rural districts. Some of these waivers are not necessary in a school district, because there is a level of school autonomy in some areas (for instance, different curriculum may be selected between Columbine and Summit or secondary schools may establish different processes regarding student conduct).