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Come Join Us! Now Accepting Intent to Enroll Forms for the Upcoming 25-26 Lottery.
Final new-parent meeting before the lottery (improve your lottery weight): Feb. 26: 6:00-7:00 PM

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Merit Academy Pre-Kindergarten program's philosophy is to provide children with a variety of experiences that will allow them to develop kindergarten readiness skills. We are launching one 3-4 year-old class and two 4-5 year-old classes in the 2024-25 school year.
We are focused on helping children become independent and self-sufficient learners. Merit Academy Pre-K uses The Core Knowledge Sequence as the base for lessons, which align with State Pre-K standards and Early Learning Developmental Guidelines.
Our curriculum includes instruction in all basic academic areas including
Science: Specific Reasoning and the Physical World- Children are given many opportunities for systematic observation and hands-on investigation of both the living and material world.
Mathematical Reasoning and Number Sense- We will begin by recognizing similarities and differences , classify objects, quantify in small groups of objects as well as counting, adding and subtracting (“taking away” and “putting together”)
History and Geography: Orientation in time- the focus of this section is the development of an inner sense of time. Students will first organize and think of everyday experiences , classify and sequence events chronologically and begin to use standard measures of time, such as daily schedules and calendars.
Language and Literacy development- Early Literacy and Language development is one of the most important skills to learn for future development. The four segments of The Preschool Sequence are Oral Language, Nursery Rhymes, Poems, Fingerplays and songs, Storybook reading and storytelling. Emerging Literacy skills in reading and writing.
Character Development- Children learn to develop a sense of who he or she is beginning with interacting with others such as the “give and take” of being part of a group setting. These goals are the beginning development of an individual who is independent and competent, able to assume responsibility for their own actions.
Movement and Coordination- This includes gross motor skills; whole body movement: balance, throw, kick, catch and move cooperatively with others as well as fine motor skills that will build hand strength and pencil grip.
If you are interested in Merit Academy's preschool program, please reach out to our Preschool Director, Laina Carver: LCarver@Merit.Academy or complete an Intent to Enroll form and our registrar will contact you.