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Merit Academy Varsity Rifle Team

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The Varsity Rifle Team will compete in Three Position Sporter Air Rifle (3PAR) - prone, kneeling and standing. An athlete may choose to also compete in the Precision 3PAR which requires additional competition equipment.

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The Varsity Shooting Team is a Merit Academy competitive shooting sports program that will not only teach gun and range safety, but also life skills that builds responsible, accountable, future leaders and citizens. And with the purpose of winning individual, team awards and college scholarships.

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We are sponsored by American Legion Post 1980 and an affiliated club with the Civilian Marksmanship Program.


Click this link for more detailed information

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The Varsity Rifle Team meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school (3:30pm). Local competitions usually are held on Saturdays. We will occasionally travel to other locations for regional and national competitions.


Contact Michael Theimer, Rifle Team Coach for more information. Michael is a 1976 Olympian, formerly the USA Shooting Youth Programs/Coach Academy Director.


Donations are greatly appreciated.

Please click this link to make a donation to the Rifle Team

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500 E. Kelley's Rd.,

Woodland Park, CO


(719) 686-2274 Office

(719) 686-2190 Attendance

(719) 686-2082 Nurse

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We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN for donation records: 85-2365942

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